GLUFI - temporary CAD/CAM fixation material

from  25,00  € 

GLUFI - temporary CAD/CAM fixation material

CAD/CAM frameworks are often loosely situated on the model: they may drop and possibly thereby the veneering gets ruined.
With GluFi you will be on the safe side: Take your instrument and place a small amount of GluFi onto the die tops, attach the framework and a secure hold will be guaranteed.

- GluFi is very adaptive and does not cause any increases in vertical dimension
- GluFi can be used several times: you may remove and adapt the framework a number of times without any impact on the adhesive forces
- The low melting point/flashpoint guarantees that it burns without leaving residues (Caution: firing temperature min. 720°C!)

REFTitle Price
02-6000GLUFI - temporary CAD/CAM fixation material, 5 ml 25,00  €
VAT excl.